All the settings on EggRider display are done via the mobile apps. The first time you connect to the display an activation is necessary. The activation is retained when updating the app but revoked if the cache is cleared or if the app is manually deleted.
To Activate
- Turn on EggRider display
- Open EggRider app
- On the Search page pull down to re-scan for your display
- Tap on the display name to start the connection procedure
- A popup will show; choose option Request code
- It will require you to insert Shop name and Order ID (please insert correct information to avoid delay with activation)
- Is email active on your phone?
Yes – an option to send email will show. All the necessary information should be already populated in the email. Just press send
No – a popup with instruction will show. The necessary text will be copied to the clipboard so you will have to manually open your email app to create a new email and paste the content. Then simply write the recipient email you find in the instructions and send the email
- You will receive (usually in a couple of hours) an email with the activation code
- On Android, you can use the same code if you reinstall the app or change the mobile phone
- On iOS, you can use the same code if you reinstall the app but not if you change the phone (In such cases you have to request again)
- Open the email with the activation code and copy it
- Open EggRider app and from the search page tap again on your device name
- From the popup choose Activate
- Paste the code inside the input field and then press Activate
- Does successful message appear?
Yes – tap on the device name again and the Dashboard page will show
No – please make sure the entire code is copied and repeat steps 9-12. If it still doesn’t work, please request the code again [from step 3].
Display Set Up
It is highly recommended that you update your firmware when you receive your EggRider.
EggRider has an algorithm to automatically detect your controller brand (check Display compatibility).
Sometimes the auto detection fails and display functionality is limited.
How do you check it?:
- Display shows speed as – -.-.
- Going into EggRider mobile app while connected, on EggRider settings page press Read button and the Protocol most probably is Unknown/Auto.
Protocol has a list of various configurations, each controller brand having two possible options for example: Kunteng and Kunteng Rx/Tx Swap.
- After each step check if speed shows 0.0 (that means your display works correctly with all the functionalities)
- Reset display to default: while display is off press Menu + Power buttons
- Connect with mobile app and from EggRider settings page, press Read, change Protocol type to your controller’s brand name (example: Kunteng) and press Write.
- Restart display
- Repeat 1-2 by changing Protocol to your controller’s brand name with Rx/Tx Swap (example: Kunteng Tx/Rx Swap)
- Repeat 1-2 by changing Protocol to Auto/Unknown
Essential Settings
In order to show speed accurately, it is essential to set up the wheel circumference (mm) properly.
It is not just the rim size (eg. 26″) because it can vary a lot based on your tire, so please consider both rim and tire.
The ‘wheel size’ drop down has a few sizes to choose from; if you don’t find yours in there you should look online for your rim + tire circumference. (These are some comprehensive sources Link1 or Link2 )
In order to have a precise battery percentage, the following should be set in the display settings page from the mobile app (please note that battery voltages in Display page are not used for voltage cutoff).
- Battery voltage; Select your battery voltage from the drop down. The Voltage values 0% and 100% will be populated with corresponding values. Do not change these values unless you have a custom-made battery and you know they are different. These values are not related to the battery cutoff voltage and they are not used for it.
- Battery capacity; Please insert in the label the value corresponding to your battery (mah).
- If you notice that the battery percentage is not 100% after you just fully charged your battery, please follow the voltage calibration procedure below.
(available with firmware and apps > v2.1.0)
This should be done only if the voltage displayed is not accurate or the battery percentage is not 100% after you just fully charged your battery. The calibration is maintained once the operation is successful, so it is not necessary to repeat.
Prerequisites: full battery (preferably just after disconnected from the plug) or a multimeter.
- Make sure that in EggRider settings page you have the right Voltage 0% and 100% relative to your battery. You can select from the drop down Select to auto-fill these values.
- With the full battery, connect to the display then go to display settings page, under Voltage calibration select your battery voltage and then press Calibrate
- With the multimeter, connect to the display then go to display settings page, insert the voltage read with your multimeter under FullVoltage and then press Calibrate
If your voltage difference is greater than 2.5V you will receive a popup alert. If you are sure about your voltage then follow the steps used for the following example (adapting accordingly):
EggRider voltage read is 38V and you know that the voltage should be 41.6V (41.6V – 38V = 3.6V > 2.5V)
- Write into FullVoltage 40V (38V + 2V), press calibrate and open the dashboard. Check that the new voltage shown is 40V and get back to display settings. (repeat this step until you get to a difference lower than 2V)
- Write into FullVoltage 41.6 (40 V + 1.6 V), press calibrate and open the dashboard, Check that the new voltage shown is 41.6V.
(available with firmware and apps > v2.2.07)
First configuration
- In Display settings page, select “Live data and settings” for Bafang switching mode, press Write then Read to check its saved.
- When first connecting, it will be executed a read for Basic, Pedal, Throttle pages and their result will be replicated on both profiles Road/OffRoad. In case of failure(switch mode not possible), this action can be triggered manually by tapping ‘Initialize’ from one of the pages
- Modify settings as desired
- You have to write settings successfully to be able to use switch mode from display or mobile app.
- By pressing Road/OffRoad button from the Dashboard page or M button from the display, it will write the relative settings for the profile
Successive configurations follow steps 3, 4
Things to keep in mind
- If you experience intermittent power cuts, it is most probably because it reaches a speed limit or voltage cutoff.
- If you experience Read/Write issues, please report on which page/mode is not working and which is working, providing screenshots with the settings.
- When reading settings it will get the last written settings either by app/display or your own method.
Main Screen Content
- Battery percentage
- Connection status
- Voltage
- Riding profile (road or offroad)
- Speed (mph or kph)
Error Code (if an error is present) example: E03 – brake on
Range (replaces Error Code): example: R16, R25 (the number being distance in km or miles)
- Headlight status (if the headlight is switched on)
- Riding Level
- Power (W), Current(A), or efficiency (watt per distance unit)
- Hour (if the app was connected previously) or total trip time
- Odometer
Power: short press to turn on or off
Up: increase the assist level
Down: decrease the assist level
Mode: switch between road and offroad
Additionally, the following button combinations are available:
- When the display is off, Mode + Power to load default factory settings
- When the display is off, Up + Power to start in bootloader (5 seconds)
- Press Mode for 3 seconds to see trip data
- Press Down for 3 seconds to activate headlight and to dim the display
Note: Settings, mode, levels, odometer and trip data is saved when the system is shut down by pressing the power button. If the power supply is cut before pressing the power button, the data is not saved into the permanent memory.
- Wh/distance
- Battery capacity estimation (dependent heavily on the current accuracy)
- Distance
- Avg speed
- Moving time
- Energy and Capacity consumed
- Energy and Capacity odometer
- Battery cycles (calculated using the declared capacity)
- Battery series resistance (calculated in the last hour or so)
- Longer term battery capacity (last 10 trips or so)
- Range (using the previous trip efficiency)
Mobile App
Both Android and iOS apps have the same functionalities, except for short periods of time between version releases. Although generally similar in appearance, there are some visual differences due to platform-specific components.
Main Android and iOS differences
- On Android, when in main pages press ‘Back’ to kill the app (and on any other page navigates back to the previous page).
- To trigger actions on items from lists pages (example Search device or Rides) you have to; Android: “tap and hold” and on iOS “slide item left”.
Main pages

- Accessible through “Search” tab
- When the app starts, it scans for EggRider devices and displays them in the list
- If your device is not showing up in the list
- Make sure the app has access to bluetooth under your phone’s settings
- Make sure the EggRider display plugged in and turned on
- Restart the EggRider display
- Click on the device name in the list to connect the app to your display
- Accessible through the Dashboard icon or after tapping on an item on the Search device.
- Shows real-time information about your riding.
- Dashed values displayed can be caused by the following; a communication issue, or not connected to EggRider display.
- Real-time information is recorded by the app only when this page is visible and connected.
- Make sure you send the app in the background from this page (press the ‘home’ button on your phone) if you want to record in your statistics while using other apps.
- Remember that some operating systems can still kill the app running in the background. If this is the case, go into your system settings and disable any optimization or similar settings. Also on Android, you might have the option to lock the app which will prevent it from being killed by the operating system.
- To return to the settings pages, press the settings icon on the right (on android it can also be achieved using the “back” button).
- Accessible through “Rides” tab.
- Shows a list of rides recorded from the app or the display.
- Each ride shows its’ source label, running time, distance, and date it was recorded in the app.
- Rides are differentiated by the source labels.
- “App” – Real-time information collected by the app when connected to EggRider display. (includes GPS information such as altitude).
- “Display A” (Auto) – The last display ride data read at every connection.
- “Display M” (Manual) – The last display ride data read when “GET DISPLAY STATS” is pressed.
- Tap on a ride item and a page specific to the source display or app will show. To go back, press “RIDES” on the button in the top right corner.
- By activating actions you can:
- “DELETE RIDE” – deletes all ride-related information.
- On the top bar you have the following extra actions:
- Get display last Ride stats
- Delete all Rides with distance < 0.1 km
- Accessible by pressing an item with label “App” on the Rides page.
- Shows recorded rides stats.
- Accessible from “Ride Summary” screen by tapping “Distance Graph” or “Time Graph”.
- Shows the ride’s real-time information by having x-axis as distance or time.
- “Distance Graph” – The ride real-time information (having x-axis as distance).
- “Time Graph” – The ride real-time information (having x-axis as time).
- To go back to “Ride summary”, press the arrow in the left top corner (or “back” button on android).
- These graphs also support two fingers pinch for zoom in/out.
- On the top bar you have the following extra actions: “Delete Graph” – deletes all the data points related to the trip but keeps the summary stats. You might consider this for saving memory.
- Accessible from the “Rides list” page by tapping on a ride labelled with “Display A” or “Display M”.
- Shows display stats.
- ODO labels – lifetime display data values.
- Ride labels – individual display trip specific values.
- Three individual columns for each battery’s stats.
- To go back to “Rides list” select “RIDES” in the top right corner.
- Accessible through “EggRider” tab
- Allows reading/writing EggRider display settings. When connected to a display, a read of the display settings is automatically executed.
- After a successful read/write, the settings are stored in the app’s memory for viewing even when not connected to the display.
- It is always recommended to follow these steps: “read”, modify then “write”.
- Some settings might be greyed-out because they depend on other settings eg “RoadMode Max PAS” or “Bafang mode switch”.
- To aid data input, there are some drop-down lists which appear when tapping fields (e.g. “Wheel size”, “Wheel circumference (mm)”, Batteries “voltages 0%” and “100%” inputs). They will always return to default state “Select” after restarting the app, the values will be saved in the associated entries.
- Accessible by tapping “Advanced” button at the bottom of EggRider display settings page.
- Allows voltage calibration and battery stats reset.
- Accessible through “About” tab
- Gives information about the app and firmware version as well as links to documentation, downloads, issues and product page.
- These pages are visible after the first successful connection to the display.
- Settings in these pages are used for controller configuration and for profile switching between Road/OffRoad modes.
- After a successful write, the settings are stored in the display memory as well as in the app’s memory. Afterwards, this makes the settings visible even when the app is not connected.
- Relative controller pages:
- Bafang mid drive
- Basic settings page
- Pedal settings page
- Throttle settings page
- Kunteng (KT) – Kunteng settings page
- Lishui (LSW) – Lishui settings page
- Accessible through tab “Kunteng”
- Consists of one common settings section shared by both profiles Road and OffRoad and profile independent settings.
- Speed limits are used from EggRider display settings page.
- accessible through tab “Lishui”
- consists of one common settings section shared by both profiles Road and OffRoad and profile independent settings.
- By selecting ‘Display command’ for Designated assist setting, it will consider the assist level shown on the display at the moment of running
- By selecting ‘Display command’ for Speed limit setting, it will consider the relative values inserted in the Display settings page for Road/OffRoad
- Designated assist and Speed limit with values between 0-9 will use the relative assist level settings from the MotorBasic page
- Accessible through tab “Basic”
- Please use settings in the range for your motor, especially Low Battery Protect and Limited Current. The controller/motor has its’ hardware limitations and it will reject values outside the boundaries
- To have no power on Level 0, set both Current and Speed Limit to 0 (or in some cases 1)